API Reference

PIconnect Connector to the OSISoft PI and PI-AF databases.

class PIconnect.PIAFDatabase(server: str | None = None, database: str | None = None)

Bases: object

Context manager for connections to the PI Asset Framework database.

property children: Dict[str, PIAFElement]

Return a dictionary of the direct child elements of the database.

database: AFDatabase
property database_name: str

Return the name of the connected PI AF database.

default_server: Dict[str, PISystem | Dict[str, AFDatabase]] | None = {'databases': {'TestDatabase': <PIconnect._typing.AF.AFDatabase object>}, 'server': <PIconnect._typing.AF.PISystem object>}
descendant(path: str) PIAFElement

Return a descendant of the database from an exact path.

event_frames(start_time: str | datetime = '', start_index: int = 0, max_count: int = 1000, search_mode: EventFrameSearchMode = EventFrameSearchMode.FORWARD_FROM_START_TIME, search_full_hierarchy: bool = False) Dict[str, PIAFEventFrame]
search(query: str | List[str]) List[PIAFAttribute]

return a list of PIAFAttributes directly from a list of element|attribute path strings

like this:

list(“BaseElement/childElement/childElement|Attribute|ChildAttribute|ChildAttribute”, “BaseElement/childElement/childElement|Attribute|ChildAttribute|ChildAttribute”)

server: PISystem
property server_name: str

Return the name of the connected PI AF server.

servers: Dict[str, Dict[str, PISystem | Dict[str, AFDatabase]]] = {'TestingAF': {'databases': {'TestDatabase': <PIconnect._typing.AF.AFDatabase object>}, 'server': <PIconnect._typing.AF.PISystem object>}}
version = '0.2.0'
class PIconnect.PIServer(server: str | None = None, username: str | None = None, password: str | None = None, domain: str | None = None, authentication_mode: AuthenticationMode = AuthenticationMode.PI_USER_AUTHENTICATION, timeout: int | None = None)

Bases: object

PIServer is a connection to an OSIsoft PI Server

  • server (str, optional) – Name of the server to connect to, defaults to None

  • username (str, optional) – can be used only with password as well

  • password (str, optional) – -//-

  • todo – domain, auth

  • timeout (int, optional) – the maximum seconds an operation can take


If the specified server is unknown a warning is thrown and the connection is redirected to the default server, as if no server was passed. The list of known servers is available in the PIServer.servers dictionary.

default_server = <PIconnect._typing.PI.PIServer object>

Default server, as reported by the SDK

search(query: str | List[str], source: str | None = None) List[PIPoint]

Search PIPoints on the PIServer

  • query (str or [str]) – String or list of strings with queries

  • source (str, optional) – Defaults to None. Point source to limit the results


A list of PIPoint objects as a result of the query

Return type:



Reject searches while not connected

property server_name

Name of the connected server

servers = {'Testing': <PIconnect._typing.PI.PIServer object>}

Dictionary of known servers, as reported by the SDK

version = '0.2.2'

Generic utility modules